7 Reasons To Add Lemon Essential Oil To Your Water

My throat started to feel icky a few weeks ago, so I chugged back a few drops of lemon essential oil. Then, an hour later, I did the same thing. Two hours later, my throat felt great. It still sometimes shocks me that an oil can do that, but it did and it does. Lemon is awesome for the immune system. So what else can it do? Here are 7 reasons you should be drinking lemon water.

7 Reasons to put lemon essential oil in your water each day:

1) Aids in digestion: Lemon oil helps support a good PH balance and aids in digestion. When both of these are in balance, this helps you feel more clearheaded and alert in your day!

2) Antioxidants: Free radicals like to float around in the body and cause some very serious damage, diseases and health risks. Antioxidants eat free radicals. Lemon essential oil is PACKED with antioxidants. This means every time you drink water with lemon essential oil in it, you are helping your body fight the good fight against free radicals. Bam.

3) Antimicrobial: This makes drinking lemon essential oil effective in supporting the body against the fight against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. I think of lemon oil as helping to protect my body and support long term health.

4) Lymph system: The lymph system is a network of organs and tissues in the circulatory system. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport a clear, colorless fluid, called lymph, which contains white blood cells that helps rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. Lemon essential oil stimulates the lymph system. It's fantastic for encouraging efficiency in the lymphatic system, which helps move these unwanted materials and toxins move on out of the body. That's just plain cool.

5) Concentration: Lemon oil helps in increasing concentration and alertness. I have absolutely found this to be true. I drink it constantly while I'm writing or working.

6) Immune system: Lemon oil is high vitamin content, this means it's awesome for the body’s immune system. Since it stimulates the lymph system and stimulates white blood cells, it supports your ability to fight off illnesses. Remember my icky throat that felt better hours later using lemon? Yup.

7) Emotional support: Lemon has very powerful effects against stress. It's extremely clearing, uplifting, and refreshing, helps the removal of any mental exhaustion. I personally can tell when I go a day without drinking lemon in my water. I feel so much calmer when I'm drinking lemon essential oil in my water.

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How do I use it? I like to put 3 drops in my water at least once a day, usually 2-3 times. I'll skip this routine once or twice a week, just to ensure my body doesn't get use to it and become less efficient at using lemon oil.

Also, I only recommend ingesting young living essential oils. Young Living has a "seed to seal" promise, ensuring the purity of the oil from the seed to the seal. I personally love that the farms Young Living use have never had pesticides or chemicals on them...ever. Oils are potent, so it's extremely important you are confident of the brand you are putting in your body, and were, and how, they were made. 

So, grab your lemon oil and bottoms up. ;)

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