3 Essential Oils That Promote A Good Night's Sleep



Essential oils and sleep. Has your mind ever been racing at night and you wish you had something that would help you settle down and drift off into lala land? I know, I know, it's pretty common to grab an over the counter sleep aid. I certainly believe there is a place for modern medicine and I'm extremely grateful for medical professionals. That being said, if there are options to try before medicine in certain areas with essential oils and natural options, I'm all in. Also, this quote sums up my concern with over the counter sleep aids.

" Each sleeping aid drug alters the chemical activities and balances in your brain and body in some way. There are also some additional problems to consider, the most glaring of which is that sleep aids do nothing to cure the cause of insomnia. And in the longer term, they can actually make the problem worse.  First of all, no one actually knows what the ‘normal’ level of the affected brain chemicals are suppose to be. And since each of us has a unique DNA and metabolism, no two people react exactly the same way to any drug. For example, some people get the opposite response to a drug than was intended. Rather than relaxed and sleepy, they become hyperactive or even manic. Someone might feel drowsy and forgetful the next day, but someone else does not. This makes sleep aids a hit-or-miss thing for many people. Tinkering with brain chemistry should not be taken lightly.  Messing with brain chemistry is what brings about drug dependence, which can lead to addiction in some people."  -drugdetox.org

Essential oils offer all the benefits of sleep support without any of the side effects. So, here's the 3 essential oils I love to use for sleep support.

1) Cedarwood. Did you know cedarwood helps the body release meletonin in the body? Melatonin helps you relax and drift off to sleep. I love to diffuse this oil at night before bedtime. I put 3-5 drops in the diffuser every night Also, my 4 year old son has sensory processing disorder and settling down can be a challenge for him. So, diffusing this oil every night helps him immensely with sleep. We ADORE Cedarwood oil. #getchusome

2) Lavender:  There's a reason you see lavender advertised in every night lotion or eye mask out there, it's extremely calming. If a synthetic, adulterated version of lavender can do that in main stream products, how much more could the pure, unadulterated therapeutic grade lavender could be?  Trust me, you want the real deal. I only use Young Living oils because I know how they are grown, thus I know what's going into my skin and into the skin of my sweet (yet wild) boys. I either diffuse lavender (2-5 drops) or I put a few drops on my feet if my brain is all over the place. It's also a great, and gentle, oil to also diffuse as a part ofa kid's bedtime routine.

3) Vetiver: This oil is VERY grounding. This oil helps us cope with occasional stress and emotional trauma. When my world is in a tailspin and I can't shut my brain off at night, I put vetiver on my big toe (the vita flex point of the brain) and I can usually tell a difference in about 20 minutes.

Hope this helps you in your sleep journey.


Lauren Lucille